5 Most Common Hiking Injuries and Prevention

Hiking is a rewarding activity for adventurers. It is perhaps an ultimate way to experience and explore the nature and the Himalayas as the hiking trail has the most amazing and inspiring stories to unfold. One of the reasons why one gets obsessed with hiking is nature, and it’s beauty; you cannot get enough.

You get to explore the wilderness and wildlife and learn at the same time as we all know, ” Traveling is a great form of learning.” You hike/trek, you travel, and you learn. Besides, one must be concerned about consequences as well.

Taking it into account, I have prepared a list of 5 common hiking injuries and prevention. You must be aware of the following injuries if you are planning to hike, or trek. It is advisable to take the necessary preparation even if you are an experienced hiker.


Blister. You probably have had blister once in your life. It is almost unavoidable part of hiking or trekking, even if you have a new pair of hiking boots. The friction between your feet and the boot is the main reason for this injury, resulting in an accumulation of fluids between skin layers and swell. And this causes discomfort to you.


1) wear comfortable socks and shoes. Make sure they fit you, and are dry, and clean.
2) carry spare socks and use them in case of the sign of wetness.
3) carry antibiotic ointment, Band-Aid, and athletic tape for the treatment of Blister.


Exhaustion! Sounds familiar right? It is one of the most common hiking injuries. Physical and mental tiredness while trekking is the most common experience. Improper nutrition and dehydration can cause exhaustion.


1) carry enough water. Always carry a reusable bottle and fill it whenever possible.
2) bring healthy and light food. I recommend Trail mix, Dried fruits, Granola, Energy bars and drinks, canned fish, and dried soups.
(For safety practice, make sure you bring can opener, Eating and cooking utensils, trash bag, water purification tablets, Disposable wipes, and biodegradable soap. I encourage and practice responsible tourism)
3) shorten trekking hours or take frequent breaks to avoid exhaustion.

Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprain is the most common injury while hiking. The varying landscape has uneven trails, bumps, and slippery surface, and thus sprained ankle is likely to happen as the ligament of the ankle might get stretched or torn out. But with the necessary preparation, this can be avoided.


1) wearing boots with sturdy ankle protection.
2) using a hiking stick or stabilizer to balance the body and avoid stumbling.
3) walking with caution is the most.
4) R.I.C. E treatment, a simple self-care technique: Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. It eases pain and speeds up healing.


Sunburn is obvious anticipation of outdoor activities. You simply cannot avoid the sun, but you can avoid sunburn. Exposure to sunlight causes sunburn.


1) wear clothes that cover the whole body like a full-sleeved shirt and pants.
2) apply sunscreen and frequently reapply ( every 2 hours.)
3) wear sunglasses with UV protection and a hat.

Altitude Sickness

Altitude Sickness is no new topic to you if you are planning to hike/trek. Altitude Sickness is the effect of high altitude caused by the low concentration of oxygen at high elevation. Headache, vomiting, shortness of breath, and dizziness are some of the early symptoms of Altitude Sickness.


1) immediately descend to a lower altitude in case of the sign of altitude sickness.
2) avoiding alcohol and climbing slowly will significantly prevent altitude sickness.
3) eating extra carbohydrates and staying hydrated is the best way to avoid sunburn.

Read: Top 10 Underrated Treks in Nepal

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